Merry Christmas to all!
…and happy holidays! Whatever it is you celebrate, may your days be merry and bright!
This is my first Christmas without my Dad (He passed away last February). I am okay though. He was a simple man. He only wanted simple things for Christmas. I remember when we lived in Arizona, he only wanted socks and underwear. I cannot remember when I started to give him a golfball with my scribbles on it, but in his last years of life, all he wanted was a golfball from me and a yearly picture of me. I can remember him complaining when he would get something that he didn’t really need. Sometimes I would feel frustrated, but no matter what he was my Dad and I loved him.
I did not really want to ask anything for Christmas, but Mom requested a list from me, so I made a small one and sent it via I did the same with Dad.
I did not decorate the house this year. Mostly because we were in Argentina for a majority of December. Our hostess in Argentina, Pat, has two kids and I helped them pull down their Christmas decor from the attic and put up their tree. So, I still got to put up a tree this year.
Another thing is that Dad bought me a watch, or clock, every Christmas. So, I will buy me a watch every year unless I receive one.
But all in all, Christmas is wonderful because I have family and friends that love me and I still have a roof over my head.
Well, I’m off to watch National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. It was my Dad’s favorite Christmas movie.
24 December 2008
30 November 2008
Thanksgiving (repost from old blog)
Well, Thanksgiving was pleasant even though it was my first Thanksgiving without my Dad (he passed away in February). So it was my duty to make the pumpkin pies (or is it punkin pie). We had Turkey Day at my uncle’s house. I’ve made pie crust before but for some reason I had trouble this time around. The crust just crumbled apart when I was trying to place it in the pie pan. I tried to recover it but nothing worked so I had to start over. No big deal though. Plus I didn’t have any ground cloves. I haven’t the slightest clue on why we didn’t have any. I only use them in pumpkin pies and we had plenty left (I assume).
Nevertheless, it was a good feast. We all read the paper looking at advertisements and deals. We found plenty of deals but nothing really that we needed. It’s funny how as you grow up, the toys you want are more expensive.
Nevertheless, it was a good feast. We all read the paper looking at advertisements and deals. We found plenty of deals but nothing really that we needed. It’s funny how as you grow up, the toys you want are more expensive.
Auto-off (repost from old blog)
With all the tryptophan still in my body, I fell asleep on the couch while watching TV. I’ve been using my XBOX360 as my DVD player and I have it set to turn off after 2 hours of no activity. And my HDTV automatically shuts off after about 10 min if there is no input signal. Not realizing that I fell asleep on the couch (I feel old), I woke up there in amazement with everything off.
26 November 2008
...and you are? (repost from old blog)
So, I live in a small town (although it has grown in the past 5 years) where in some odd way, everyone knows everyone. Or at least has heard of everyone. I made an impact in this small town. No, I didn’t crash here in some spaceship escaping the implosion of a planet. When I first moved here, in the sixth grade, there was a medieval times Contest. The participants would make things from the medieval times times. You know, catapults, trebuchets, swords, armor, maces and the like. Well, I won Grand Prize. I had an array of things that I made. I had a mace, made out of Styrofoam spheres with tooth picks as the spikes chained together to a wooden broom stick; a knight in shining armor, which was actually a catwoman figurine wrapped in tin foil armor; a trebuchet made out of legos; and a real sword from Spain. Mind you the sword was attached to a frame for display. It was actually my Mom’s sword. There was an inscription on the sword but I forgot what it says. So, at the time, I was a new resident in this small town already raising the bar for things to come… not to mention that my picture was in the local paper for winning the contest. One kid said that I won only because I had a REAL sword, haha.
There were many other accomplishments that made me well known in this town, but I’ll save those stories for another day.
Nevertheless, I live in a small town where everyone knows everyone. Well, in my case, a lot of people know me, but I don’t know a lot of people. So… I was at the wonderful and glorious wal-mart buying some pumpkin pie mix for the upcoming Thanksgiving 2008. Someone approached saying my name. I truthfully did not know who he was. He just wanted to say hi and see how I was doing. I don’t know why I didn’t even bother asking him where he knew me from. How rude of me. I should have said “I’m sorry, where do I know you from?” But alas, I didn’t feel like socializing so I didn’t even bother. Now it’s going to bug me where I know him from. He was an older fellow. I probably know him from one of the many churches that I’ve attended. Or from school. I’ll never know.
There were many other accomplishments that made me well known in this town, but I’ll save those stories for another day.
Nevertheless, I live in a small town where everyone knows everyone. Well, in my case, a lot of people know me, but I don’t know a lot of people. So… I was at the wonderful and glorious wal-mart buying some pumpkin pie mix for the upcoming Thanksgiving 2008. Someone approached saying my name. I truthfully did not know who he was. He just wanted to say hi and see how I was doing. I don’t know why I didn’t even bother asking him where he knew me from. How rude of me. I should have said “I’m sorry, where do I know you from?” But alas, I didn’t feel like socializing so I didn’t even bother. Now it’s going to bug me where I know him from. He was an older fellow. I probably know him from one of the many churches that I’ve attended. Or from school. I’ll never know.
18 September 2008
September 2008 Letter
Another late letter...haha
On August 4th, I moved back home with Mom in Dunlap. I didn't realize how much stuff I had until I moved. I had 2 truck loads and 3 car loads of stuff to bring back. Thankfully, my cousin, Steven, helped me. I have some duplicate items now...such as 2 beds, 2 TVs, etc. But I can sell the duplicates or give them away.
After I moved back home, I spent the next 1.5 weeks working on video that I filmed at TN Tech's Student Orientation program. Plus, I filmed a friends wedding that have yet to finish.
I don't know if my Dad ever told you, but here at home I have 3 rooms to myself. Basically the entire upstairs is mine. It is a mess. It was a maze for a couple of weeks. I had trails to the TV, bed, and computer. After I finished that video project, I finally took some time to clean up a bit. I took down all my old posters from high school and am putting up 'bragging rights'...I mean... awards from college and what not. While cleaning, I see that I just have too much stuff. I have four computers (a MAC G5, custom built gaming PC, a Windows 98 Machine to play DOS video games, and a Macbook). I have a ton of DVDs, 6 guitars, 7 video cameras...etc etc etc... I could go on forever. But, I am going through it all and getting rid of stuff that I just don't need anymore. Actually, that is what Mom and I will be doing for the next few months. We will be going through everything, every box and either keep stuff or get rid of stuff.
Mom was having trouble with the dryer. Clothes were still wet after completing a drying cycle. This means that there may be restricted airflow for the exhaust. So, I removed the entire dryer exhaust duct and cleaned it out. There was indeed a collection of dryer lint, not to mention a few wasps nests at the exit port. And some of the lint was hard as a rock! Now the dryer works good as new.
Speaking of wasps, I saw this black mass hanging on the porch. I thought it was a bat hanging upside down, but it was about 20 wasps. I ran in the house and retrieved some wasp spray. I went outside and left the door cracked so I could make a clean escape to the inside. This wasp spray was the stuff that kills on contact (or so it says). I sprayed the cluster of wasps and ran inside to a window where I could see them. Soon enough, they started dropping to the floor. I counted the causalities and there was twenty wasps. I wonder what 20 wasps were doing all clustered up on one nest?!?!
Prior to moving back to Dunlap, I wasn't paying attention and I ran over one of those parking blocks. Well, I heard a crack and said "aw, man, what was that?". I opened my door and peered under my car and saw some plastic hanging down. Luckily, the only damage I did was breaking the splash guard. I carry duct tape in my car and I taped it together for a temporary fix. After I moved back home I looked for a replacement part. It took some time to find the part. It was only 12 dollars but I ordered it from a Nissan part dealer from North Carolina. I bought some ramps so i could get under the car and remove the old splash guard and put on the new pristine one.
To my surprise, one of my fraternity brothers sent me a message saying "congratulations on being on the front cover of the magazine!" I was confused by his message. A few weeks later, I received my fraternities national magazine in the mail. It is called "The Gear" and indeed I am on the cover along with some other 'brothers'. I have attached a scan of the front for your eyes to see. The photo was taken about a year ago infront of "the bean" in Chicago. We were there for Leadership Training Academy.

Well, that about all for now. Until next time...I'll write sooner!
On August 4th, I moved back home with Mom in Dunlap. I didn't realize how much stuff I had until I moved. I had 2 truck loads and 3 car loads of stuff to bring back. Thankfully, my cousin, Steven, helped me. I have some duplicate items now...such as 2 beds, 2 TVs, etc. But I can sell the duplicates or give them away.
After I moved back home, I spent the next 1.5 weeks working on video that I filmed at TN Tech's Student Orientation program. Plus, I filmed a friends wedding that have yet to finish.
I don't know if my Dad ever told you, but here at home I have 3 rooms to myself. Basically the entire upstairs is mine. It is a mess. It was a maze for a couple of weeks. I had trails to the TV, bed, and computer. After I finished that video project, I finally took some time to clean up a bit. I took down all my old posters from high school and am putting up 'bragging rights'...I mean... awards from college and what not. While cleaning, I see that I just have too much stuff. I have four computers (a MAC G5, custom built gaming PC, a Windows 98 Machine to play DOS video games, and a Macbook). I have a ton of DVDs, 6 guitars, 7 video cameras...etc etc etc... I could go on forever. But, I am going through it all and getting rid of stuff that I just don't need anymore. Actually, that is what Mom and I will be doing for the next few months. We will be going through everything, every box and either keep stuff or get rid of stuff.
Mom was having trouble with the dryer. Clothes were still wet after completing a drying cycle. This means that there may be restricted airflow for the exhaust. So, I removed the entire dryer exhaust duct and cleaned it out. There was indeed a collection of dryer lint, not to mention a few wasps nests at the exit port. And some of the lint was hard as a rock! Now the dryer works good as new.
Speaking of wasps, I saw this black mass hanging on the porch. I thought it was a bat hanging upside down, but it was about 20 wasps. I ran in the house and retrieved some wasp spray. I went outside and left the door cracked so I could make a clean escape to the inside. This wasp spray was the stuff that kills on contact (or so it says). I sprayed the cluster of wasps and ran inside to a window where I could see them. Soon enough, they started dropping to the floor. I counted the causalities and there was twenty wasps. I wonder what 20 wasps were doing all clustered up on one nest?!?!
Prior to moving back to Dunlap, I wasn't paying attention and I ran over one of those parking blocks. Well, I heard a crack and said "aw, man, what was that?". I opened my door and peered under my car and saw some plastic hanging down. Luckily, the only damage I did was breaking the splash guard. I carry duct tape in my car and I taped it together for a temporary fix. After I moved back home I looked for a replacement part. It took some time to find the part. It was only 12 dollars but I ordered it from a Nissan part dealer from North Carolina. I bought some ramps so i could get under the car and remove the old splash guard and put on the new pristine one.
To my surprise, one of my fraternity brothers sent me a message saying "congratulations on being on the front cover of the magazine!" I was confused by his message. A few weeks later, I received my fraternities national magazine in the mail. It is called "The Gear" and indeed I am on the cover along with some other 'brothers'. I have attached a scan of the front for your eyes to see. The photo was taken about a year ago infront of "the bean" in Chicago. We were there for Leadership Training Academy.

Well, that about all for now. Until next time...I'll write sooner!
30 July 2008
July 2008 Letter (repost)
Hello all!
It's been quite some time since I last wrote. I have no excuse for not writing.
I am currently still living in Cookeville working for TTU's Student Orientation. However, I am not giving tours like I did last summer. My official title is "Special Assistant to the Director". My "special job" is doing film work. I filmed and edited a short film for student orientation and I operate the sound equipment in the evenings. My boss, Dustin, purchased 3 High Definition Cameras and all the goodies that go with them including a MacPro and a BlueRay Disc burner. He wants me to put together a Documentary of the SOAR (Student Orientation and Registration) program. If you have never seen High Definition video, it is a sight to see!
I recently moved across Cookeville with two friends. I use to live with my cousin, Steven. He now has his own apartment and lives alone. I never realized how much stuff I have until I moved across town. Every now and then when I go home, I take some stuff home to reduce the clutter, haha.
To go to work, I ride my bike. With these gas prices, it seems logical. Especially when I live just 10 minutes biking distance from the school.
The scorplings are growing. I feed them once a week and it is carnage when I throw about a dozen small crickets in their enclosure. They are in their 3rd instar, or 3rd molting stage. They will go through about six or seven molting stages and will live between 5 and 10 years. In case you didn't know, all scorpions glow green/blue under a black light and the babies are starting to glow under the black light. Even the fossilized remains of ancient scorpions still glow. Mom doesn't like the idea of me bringing back 13 scorpions.
On August 4th, I will be moving back home with Mom. I will still have to finish editing the documentary, but I will still be getting paid for my work. I will be looking for a job in the Chattanooga area. My original plans were to go where ever the job takes me. However, with Dad gone, I want to stay home for a while and help Mom out. Not to mention that I'll save some money for a while at least. Also, Volkswagen has decided to build a plant in Chattanooga. I'm keeping tabs on when they are hiring. Who knows, maybe I'll be driving a VW around, haha.
Mom has paid off the house and paid off my car. My car is coated with some kind of protective coating that is supposed to last five years. I remember telling my Dad that and he asked "Do you think you'll keep your car that long?"
Other than the film documentary, I am helping one of my friends, Kristen, record some songs that she has written. We played at an Open-Mic-Night here in Cookeville. She met some people and got a offer to play at a Habitat for Humanity concert in September. She accepted and I'm helping her get an album together before her gig and to also create a Myspace Music account for her. So, in some regards, I am her agent/mananger/publicist, etc. I just have to think of a name for my record company...
Last week, I played golf with my cousin Steven. I took my Dad's clubs for a round of golf. Everynow and then, when I have time, I plan to take them for a round at my Dad's favorite place to golf: Fall Creek Falls.
Until next time
It's been quite some time since I last wrote. I have no excuse for not writing.
I am currently still living in Cookeville working for TTU's Student Orientation. However, I am not giving tours like I did last summer. My official title is "Special Assistant to the Director". My "special job" is doing film work. I filmed and edited a short film for student orientation and I operate the sound equipment in the evenings. My boss, Dustin, purchased 3 High Definition Cameras and all the goodies that go with them including a MacPro and a BlueRay Disc burner. He wants me to put together a Documentary of the SOAR (Student Orientation and Registration) program. If you have never seen High Definition video, it is a sight to see!
I recently moved across Cookeville with two friends. I use to live with my cousin, Steven. He now has his own apartment and lives alone. I never realized how much stuff I have until I moved across town. Every now and then when I go home, I take some stuff home to reduce the clutter, haha.
To go to work, I ride my bike. With these gas prices, it seems logical. Especially when I live just 10 minutes biking distance from the school.
The scorplings are growing. I feed them once a week and it is carnage when I throw about a dozen small crickets in their enclosure. They are in their 3rd instar, or 3rd molting stage. They will go through about six or seven molting stages and will live between 5 and 10 years. In case you didn't know, all scorpions glow green/blue under a black light and the babies are starting to glow under the black light. Even the fossilized remains of ancient scorpions still glow. Mom doesn't like the idea of me bringing back 13 scorpions.
On August 4th, I will be moving back home with Mom. I will still have to finish editing the documentary, but I will still be getting paid for my work. I will be looking for a job in the Chattanooga area. My original plans were to go where ever the job takes me. However, with Dad gone, I want to stay home for a while and help Mom out. Not to mention that I'll save some money for a while at least. Also, Volkswagen has decided to build a plant in Chattanooga. I'm keeping tabs on when they are hiring. Who knows, maybe I'll be driving a VW around, haha.
Mom has paid off the house and paid off my car. My car is coated with some kind of protective coating that is supposed to last five years. I remember telling my Dad that and he asked "Do you think you'll keep your car that long?"
Other than the film documentary, I am helping one of my friends, Kristen, record some songs that she has written. We played at an Open-Mic-Night here in Cookeville. She met some people and got a offer to play at a Habitat for Humanity concert in September. She accepted and I'm helping her get an album together before her gig and to also create a Myspace Music account for her. So, in some regards, I am her agent/mananger/publicist, etc. I just have to think of a name for my record company...
Last week, I played golf with my cousin Steven. I took my Dad's clubs for a round of golf. Everynow and then, when I have time, I plan to take them for a round at my Dad's favorite place to golf: Fall Creek Falls.
Until next time
30 May 2008
May 2008 Letter (repost)
April showers bring May Flowers...and the pollen...
...and May is almost gone too...
Time again has passed so quickly I cannot keep up.
Our Senior Design Project went well. There were six groups and the projects were chosen by each individual group and submitted to the instructor for approval. I was in group six. To keep a long story short, our group's project was an unmanned aerial vehicle featuring coaxial counter-rotating blades in a ducted fan setup and a louver control system. We repeatedly asked ourselves if we were in over our head. I was in a great group though. Each one was a very reliable person and we got along great and everyone did their job and very well I might add. In the end, we and our instructor chose not to fly our UAV. The reason is that we did not have the proper facilities to test our UAV. However, we tested each individual component and it worked very well. The instructor was impressed and we received an A on our project.
On April 13th, I had a dinner party. Using my Dad's recipe, I cooked sweet and sour chicken. I had invited over my favorite people that I know here at TTU. They have the same morals as I and we always have a good time. After dinner, I and my friend played guitar to entertain our guests.
The weather has been odd here lately. In the last week of April, the temperature dropped down into the upper 30's for the low. It only happened for two nights and then it was nice and warm again. Thankfully, during the week of final exams, the weather has been quite beautiful.
The Thursday before commencement was a long night. Commencement practice was at 1600, then an engineering social event was afterwards, and then my fraternity's graduation party. I was expected to go since I'm graduating and all. Not to mention that I will receive a nice shiny plaque for being an officer in my fraternity.
Mom came up the day before commencement and we ran around Cookeville. She wanted to look for something to wear for commencement. So we ran around Jefferson Plaza where they have a Goodies, Belk, Kohl's, Sears, etc.
On May 3rd, I had an 8am ceremony for Order of the Engineer. The organization is committed to maintaining the integrity and dedication of the Engineering Profession. Those joining each received a stainless steel ring to be worn on the fifth finger on the working hand as a reminder of our duty as an engineer. 9am I had to get in line for Commencement. It was crowded. I haven't been to an event this big in a long time. This was the largest graduating class at TTU. 10am Commencement began. There were 1,197 graduating students. I was afraid of falling asleep during commencement because I was up at 3am ironing my pants and shirt and shining my shoes. But I was awake the entire time. Commencement ended at about 1pm. It sure didn't feel like 3 hours.

On the day of commencement, there were also other events occurring in Cookeville. TTU was hosting the Mini Baja Race, a Baseball game was going on, and Cookeville's Prom was also on this day. So, we chose to buy some steaks and just grill out at the apartment to avoid the crowd and traffic.
About a year ago my roommate and I bought two pet Emperor Scorpions from Petco. We ended up getting a male and a female. About a month or so later I saw the male scorpion doing some weird dance. I did some research on scorpion behavior and indeed he was doing a mating ritual dance. Then a week or so later I found that the female had killed the male and was eating him. She got a 14.99 meal. Fast forward to now and my scorpion has been fat for some reason. It turns out she was gravid. On Friday, May 2nd, she had 3 scorplings, or baby scorpions, on her back. The next day she had about 16 total. The babies will ride on the mother's back for about 2 weeks. They will then molt and be able to run around on their own. Now the question is what am I going to do with all these scorpions. I will probably separate them from the mother and try to raise them and when they are old enough, I will sell them and/or see if local pet shops wants to buy them to sell.

Until next time, take care and be well.
...and May is almost gone too...
Time again has passed so quickly I cannot keep up.
Our Senior Design Project went well. There were six groups and the projects were chosen by each individual group and submitted to the instructor for approval. I was in group six. To keep a long story short, our group's project was an unmanned aerial vehicle featuring coaxial counter-rotating blades in a ducted fan setup and a louver control system. We repeatedly asked ourselves if we were in over our head. I was in a great group though. Each one was a very reliable person and we got along great and everyone did their job and very well I might add. In the end, we and our instructor chose not to fly our UAV. The reason is that we did not have the proper facilities to test our UAV. However, we tested each individual component and it worked very well. The instructor was impressed and we received an A on our project.
On April 13th, I had a dinner party. Using my Dad's recipe, I cooked sweet and sour chicken. I had invited over my favorite people that I know here at TTU. They have the same morals as I and we always have a good time. After dinner, I and my friend played guitar to entertain our guests.
The weather has been odd here lately. In the last week of April, the temperature dropped down into the upper 30's for the low. It only happened for two nights and then it was nice and warm again. Thankfully, during the week of final exams, the weather has been quite beautiful.
The Thursday before commencement was a long night. Commencement practice was at 1600, then an engineering social event was afterwards, and then my fraternity's graduation party. I was expected to go since I'm graduating and all. Not to mention that I will receive a nice shiny plaque for being an officer in my fraternity.
Mom came up the day before commencement and we ran around Cookeville. She wanted to look for something to wear for commencement. So we ran around Jefferson Plaza where they have a Goodies, Belk, Kohl's, Sears, etc.
On May 3rd, I had an 8am ceremony for Order of the Engineer. The organization is committed to maintaining the integrity and dedication of the Engineering Profession. Those joining each received a stainless steel ring to be worn on the fifth finger on the working hand as a reminder of our duty as an engineer. 9am I had to get in line for Commencement. It was crowded. I haven't been to an event this big in a long time. This was the largest graduating class at TTU. 10am Commencement began. There were 1,197 graduating students. I was afraid of falling asleep during commencement because I was up at 3am ironing my pants and shirt and shining my shoes. But I was awake the entire time. Commencement ended at about 1pm. It sure didn't feel like 3 hours.
On the day of commencement, there were also other events occurring in Cookeville. TTU was hosting the Mini Baja Race, a Baseball game was going on, and Cookeville's Prom was also on this day. So, we chose to buy some steaks and just grill out at the apartment to avoid the crowd and traffic.
About a year ago my roommate and I bought two pet Emperor Scorpions from Petco. We ended up getting a male and a female. About a month or so later I saw the male scorpion doing some weird dance. I did some research on scorpion behavior and indeed he was doing a mating ritual dance. Then a week or so later I found that the female had killed the male and was eating him. She got a 14.99 meal. Fast forward to now and my scorpion has been fat for some reason. It turns out she was gravid. On Friday, May 2nd, she had 3 scorplings, or baby scorpions, on her back. The next day she had about 16 total. The babies will ride on the mother's back for about 2 weeks. They will then molt and be able to run around on their own. Now the question is what am I going to do with all these scorpions. I will probably separate them from the mother and try to raise them and when they are old enough, I will sell them and/or see if local pet shops wants to buy them to sell.
Until next time, take care and be well.
15 April 2008
April Letter (repost)
My my my how time flies. Time stops for no one and it has flown by faster than ever.
Mom told me she didn't realize that Ric wasn't coming back until she received the ashes and the engraved urn. For me, things have been busy and I didn't really have time to think about the fact that Dad won't be coming back. It didn't hit me until the Easter break. I would call Dad when I wanted to cook something new or if I had forgotten how to cook it. On Easter Sunday, my cousin/roommate, Steven, and I held an Easter dinner. Steven's brother and their parents came up, as well as my Mom and one of my close friends. We had invited my entire fraternity but none showed. Steven cooked ham and turkey, and everyone who came brought a side dish or dessert. I cooked a pineapple upside cake. I used my Dad's recipe of course. I had only made it once before and I couldn't remember the amount of butter to use. So, I looked up a few recipes and each one used a different amount of butter! But I figured it out.
Mom also brought the dog, Benny, up to my apartment. Dad was the one who took care of the dog and cat when I moved to Cookeville. I thought it would help Mom out a little bit if I took care of the dog for a while. As for the Lucy the cat, all you have to do is feed her and she's happy. Mom said the cat took off when she brought Benny up here; she hasn't seen the cat since. In my apartment complex, there is a pet fee.. I told the owner's the situation and thankfully they charged me less than half of the fee. I will write them a thank you letter when I move out. The dog has been behaving very well and the young ladies I know come over just to see him, haha!
Last week my Mom told me that there was this smell in the garage. Her friend, Jennifer, suspected that something died in the garage. They searched for the source of the smell and it turns out that it was Lucy the cat. She had crawled up behind the wheel barrel and died. She was ill last time I saw her, which was the week my Dad passed. Lucy was 12 years old. The average age for a cat is about 14 years. However, it varies between outdoor and indoor cats.
On April 12, I took the Engineering Fundamentals Exam. It is my first step to becoming a professional licensed engineer. If I pass, I will officially be called an engineering intern. The exam was eight hours in length. The morning portion was four hours and covered general education and engineering courses. The afternoon portion was discipline specific; I took the Mechanical Engineering portion. It was easier than the practice FE exams. Although, I think they make the practice ones more difficult on purpose to better prepare people who take the FE. At least they provided us a free lunch but sitting on those metal chairs for eight hours made me want to finish early...
I hope everyone completed their taxes. April 15th is upon us. A few months ago , my dad told me that this was his last year doing taxes. However, he would still do taxes for people with internet and a fax machine. Looks like he was right on being his last year doing taxes. Although, I wished it didn't end the way it did. But such is life. Mom, Steven (my cousin), and I cleaned out Dad's office the week after the memorial service. It felt kinda empty without Dad being there. I kept his calendar where he would mark off each day; February 28th was the last day he marked off. Mom called Dad's clients who had paperwork to be returned and made arrangements to do so. A few months ago, my Dad mentioned that he was training someone to take over his business. However, I do not know who this person was.
I want you to know that I am coping well. Mostly because I got to be with Dad in his last day, to be with him when he passed, and because he was ready to go and not afraid of death. I know God's timing is perfect and it was time for my Dad to return home. I know there was a reason for Dad to leave this realm, but I'll never know why. Yet there are hidden blessings in everything, you just have to find it.
There are two more weeks of classes, then final exam week, and then Commencement is May 3rd. I hope I pass all my classes, haha.
Until next time.
Mom told me she didn't realize that Ric wasn't coming back until she received the ashes and the engraved urn. For me, things have been busy and I didn't really have time to think about the fact that Dad won't be coming back. It didn't hit me until the Easter break. I would call Dad when I wanted to cook something new or if I had forgotten how to cook it. On Easter Sunday, my cousin/roommate, Steven, and I held an Easter dinner. Steven's brother and their parents came up, as well as my Mom and one of my close friends. We had invited my entire fraternity but none showed. Steven cooked ham and turkey, and everyone who came brought a side dish or dessert. I cooked a pineapple upside cake. I used my Dad's recipe of course. I had only made it once before and I couldn't remember the amount of butter to use. So, I looked up a few recipes and each one used a different amount of butter! But I figured it out.
Mom also brought the dog, Benny, up to my apartment. Dad was the one who took care of the dog and cat when I moved to Cookeville. I thought it would help Mom out a little bit if I took care of the dog for a while. As for the Lucy the cat, all you have to do is feed her and she's happy. Mom said the cat took off when she brought Benny up here; she hasn't seen the cat since. In my apartment complex, there is a pet fee.. I told the owner's the situation and thankfully they charged me less than half of the fee. I will write them a thank you letter when I move out. The dog has been behaving very well and the young ladies I know come over just to see him, haha!
Last week my Mom told me that there was this smell in the garage. Her friend, Jennifer, suspected that something died in the garage. They searched for the source of the smell and it turns out that it was Lucy the cat. She had crawled up behind the wheel barrel and died. She was ill last time I saw her, which was the week my Dad passed. Lucy was 12 years old. The average age for a cat is about 14 years. However, it varies between outdoor and indoor cats.
On April 12, I took the Engineering Fundamentals Exam. It is my first step to becoming a professional licensed engineer. If I pass, I will officially be called an engineering intern. The exam was eight hours in length. The morning portion was four hours and covered general education and engineering courses. The afternoon portion was discipline specific; I took the Mechanical Engineering portion. It was easier than the practice FE exams. Although, I think they make the practice ones more difficult on purpose to better prepare people who take the FE. At least they provided us a free lunch but sitting on those metal chairs for eight hours made me want to finish early...
I hope everyone completed their taxes. April 15th is upon us. A few months ago , my dad told me that this was his last year doing taxes. However, he would still do taxes for people with internet and a fax machine. Looks like he was right on being his last year doing taxes. Although, I wished it didn't end the way it did. But such is life. Mom, Steven (my cousin), and I cleaned out Dad's office the week after the memorial service. It felt kinda empty without Dad being there. I kept his calendar where he would mark off each day; February 28th was the last day he marked off. Mom called Dad's clients who had paperwork to be returned and made arrangements to do so. A few months ago, my Dad mentioned that he was training someone to take over his business. However, I do not know who this person was.
I want you to know that I am coping well. Mostly because I got to be with Dad in his last day, to be with him when he passed, and because he was ready to go and not afraid of death. I know God's timing is perfect and it was time for my Dad to return home. I know there was a reason for Dad to leave this realm, but I'll never know why. Yet there are hidden blessings in everything, you just have to find it.
There are two more weeks of classes, then final exam week, and then Commencement is May 3rd. I hope I pass all my classes, haha.
Until next time.
15 March 2008
March 08 Letter (repost)
I would like to thank everyone for the short e-mails, cards, and calls. It means a great deal to me and Mom. I know that Dad sent out monthly e-mails and I'm going to continue that tradition. Some of you who have never met me commented that it feels like that you know me because my Dad often spoke of me. If you do not desire to be on my mailing list, just let me know; it won't hurt my feelings at all. I was going to start writing monthly e-mails when I graduated from college, but now is just as good a time as any.
My dad desired to be cremated. He once told me this long ago and reminded me once again when he was ill. We had a Memorial Ceremony for Dad on March 6. We had visitation from 5pm to 7pm and then the Memorial Ceremony at 7pm. My Dad was a simple man so we kept it simple. Mom let me make most of the decisions, it was up to me on how I wanted it to be done. Mom had a few requests. She wanted to play 'How Great Thou Art' and 'Amazing Grace'. I chose Elvis Presley as the artist for both versions. Dad liked Elvis Presley. Mom just wanted a simple flower arrangement with red, white, and blue. But many people gave flowers. Dad's urn was simple. It is black with gold trim with his date of birth and date of death inscribed on it. Mom had a Japanese urn at the house but she thought it was too fancy. The urn reminded me of my favorite car that I had. It was a black and chrome Mitsubishi Eclipse. Dad could always spot my car out of a crowd. Ric's sister, Lulu, made prayer ties and laid them around the urn along with some sage.
We had a painting of Dad in his Air Force uniform with the Air Force seal beneath it. I also made three poster boards to display 67 pictures of my Dad throughout his life. It brought back old memories going through all those pictures. Why 67. Because that was his age. We also displayed Dad's Bronze Star Medal, Mom's and Dad's wedding picture, a picture of Chief Menawa (his great great great Grandfather), a photo of him holding his 'Hole In One' trophy, his Meritorious Service Certificate, a photo of when he first joined the Military, a pipe that he beaded, and of course his favorite picture of him holding his son.
I asked my preacher to come say a few words and he did. Then I gave a speech. Then Lulu sang a Native American song. If you desire to read my speech, I have attached my speech in an RTF format.
Mom and I are doing okay. I am her rock and my Faith and my Dad's wisdom is my rock. It is still going to take some time to get use to it, but I'm doing just fine. I use to call my dad every time I went to Wal-mart. I went to Wal-mart yesterday and it just wasn't the same. But I will be calling Mom everyday until she moves to where ever she plans on moving and when I move out and get a job.
Had my Dad been healthy, his plans were to move to Oklahoma after I had graduated and settled down. I was going to ask him to write a book on his life and the adventures that he has been on. In his memory, I am going to write a book about him and my experience with him. It may take me a year or two, but it's something that I want to do. And he would've probably continued his math studies and would've surpassed even me in math. And I'm currently taking Differential Equations II.
On another subject that I'd like to share with you, this is my last semester of college...for now anyway. I will be receiving my B.S. in Mechanical Engineering. My Senior Design Project is..well, I'd like to say...above the call of duty. There are six groups and some of their projects include: tennis ball launcher, automatic steak cooker, centrifugal oil filter, can crusher, and an engine stand tester. I don't mean to put down their projects; all those projects sound great and fantastic. But our group, we just had to be over achievers and go over the top. Our project is a vertical take off and landing unmanned aerial vehicle featuring co-axial counter rotating blades in a ducted fan. Or in other words, "I hope this thing will fly". Haha. We just call it a VTOL UAV for short. We have been receiving good grades thus far; we made an A on the project proposal, design analysis, and the drawings. All we have to do is build and execute. That's going to be the difficult part.
As for a job after I graduate, I am currently in the application process for the US Air Force Officer Training School. They seem to be taking their time getting back to me, so I've got to look at other avenues for employment. I've received e-mail's from Bridgestone Americas and Trane. I've also recently applied for an interview with Pratt and Whitney.
Oh dear, I just glanced up and saw how long my letter is. I hope my Dad's letters weren't this long. I tend to write with too much detail.
Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks again for all your support. I will attach a few pictures and the speech that I gave at my Dad's memorial ceremony.

My dad desired to be cremated. He once told me this long ago and reminded me once again when he was ill. We had a Memorial Ceremony for Dad on March 6. We had visitation from 5pm to 7pm and then the Memorial Ceremony at 7pm. My Dad was a simple man so we kept it simple. Mom let me make most of the decisions, it was up to me on how I wanted it to be done. Mom had a few requests. She wanted to play 'How Great Thou Art' and 'Amazing Grace'. I chose Elvis Presley as the artist for both versions. Dad liked Elvis Presley. Mom just wanted a simple flower arrangement with red, white, and blue. But many people gave flowers. Dad's urn was simple. It is black with gold trim with his date of birth and date of death inscribed on it. Mom had a Japanese urn at the house but she thought it was too fancy. The urn reminded me of my favorite car that I had. It was a black and chrome Mitsubishi Eclipse. Dad could always spot my car out of a crowd. Ric's sister, Lulu, made prayer ties and laid them around the urn along with some sage.
We had a painting of Dad in his Air Force uniform with the Air Force seal beneath it. I also made three poster boards to display 67 pictures of my Dad throughout his life. It brought back old memories going through all those pictures. Why 67. Because that was his age. We also displayed Dad's Bronze Star Medal, Mom's and Dad's wedding picture, a picture of Chief Menawa (his great great great Grandfather), a photo of him holding his 'Hole In One' trophy, his Meritorious Service Certificate, a photo of when he first joined the Military, a pipe that he beaded, and of course his favorite picture of him holding his son.
I asked my preacher to come say a few words and he did. Then I gave a speech. Then Lulu sang a Native American song. If you desire to read my speech, I have attached my speech in an RTF format.
Mom and I are doing okay. I am her rock and my Faith and my Dad's wisdom is my rock. It is still going to take some time to get use to it, but I'm doing just fine. I use to call my dad every time I went to Wal-mart. I went to Wal-mart yesterday and it just wasn't the same. But I will be calling Mom everyday until she moves to where ever she plans on moving and when I move out and get a job.
Had my Dad been healthy, his plans were to move to Oklahoma after I had graduated and settled down. I was going to ask him to write a book on his life and the adventures that he has been on. In his memory, I am going to write a book about him and my experience with him. It may take me a year or two, but it's something that I want to do. And he would've probably continued his math studies and would've surpassed even me in math. And I'm currently taking Differential Equations II.
On another subject that I'd like to share with you, this is my last semester of college...for now anyway. I will be receiving my B.S. in Mechanical Engineering. My Senior Design Project is..well, I'd like to say...above the call of duty. There are six groups and some of their projects include: tennis ball launcher, automatic steak cooker, centrifugal oil filter, can crusher, and an engine stand tester. I don't mean to put down their projects; all those projects sound great and fantastic. But our group, we just had to be over achievers and go over the top. Our project is a vertical take off and landing unmanned aerial vehicle featuring co-axial counter rotating blades in a ducted fan. Or in other words, "I hope this thing will fly". Haha. We just call it a VTOL UAV for short. We have been receiving good grades thus far; we made an A on the project proposal, design analysis, and the drawings. All we have to do is build and execute. That's going to be the difficult part.
As for a job after I graduate, I am currently in the application process for the US Air Force Officer Training School. They seem to be taking their time getting back to me, so I've got to look at other avenues for employment. I've received e-mail's from Bridgestone Americas and Trane. I've also recently applied for an interview with Pratt and Whitney.
Oh dear, I just glanced up and saw how long my letter is. I hope my Dad's letters weren't this long. I tend to write with too much detail.
Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks again for all your support. I will attach a few pictures and the speech that I gave at my Dad's memorial ceremony.

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