14 September 2009


So, since I didn't make a vlog (Video Web Log) everyday like I wanted to, I thought I would talk about my days in four different videos. Enjoy.


TCA in DC - Day One

TCA in DC - Day Two

TCA in DC- Day Three

TCA in DC - Day Four

TCA Project One

TCA Project Two

Rosenblum's Blog
A link about TCA. I am actually in this picture: http://www.rosenblumtv.com/?p=3618

A link to a video that has our group's trainer: http://www.rosenblumtv.com/?p=3625

It's been a fun few days, but I am ready to return home.

12 September 2009

TCA in DC - Day One

Yeah, so I meant to make two videos per day about my experience here at TCA. However, being out 11 to 12 hours can wear you out.

Day 1

The president and general manager of the Travel Channel Academy spoke to us. We had a small breakfast where we mingled with all the students and employees.

It turns out that all Travel Channel Employees are required to take the TCA. In our group, one of the employees are attending with us.

The manager of TCA welcomed us, Arthur, and we had small introductions and then Michael Rosenblum spoke to us. He basically told us if you know anything about filmmaking, forget it. He wanted all of us to start at the same level. So, everything I thought I knew, I had to throw out. It was tough.

But he basically wanted us to make videos the way he wanted them to be made. I cannot go into the details because that is what I paid for. If you wanna know what they were, sign up and attend the academy. Haha.

By noon, we were sent out to apply what we learned that morning. It was tough. We had to go somewhere that would let us film. I wanted to film a cobbler but I know nothing about DC. I probably could've asked, but I wandered around to places that I thought was interesting to film. I couldn't find anything.

For lunch I ate at some Italian shop and had a melt. It was good. I try to eat new things when I go out away from home.

So, I came back with nothing and watched some of the raw video. We watched everyone's raw video and Michael told us if it was good or not. I, and three others, were sent back out to re-film. Luckily, a protest was going on across the street and I filmed that. After we watched everyone's raw video, that was it for the night.

Someone did find a cobbler to film. Other's filmed a bakery, chocolate store, a butcher, cooks in a kitchen, etc. Basically, it was something with action, usually a person working with their hands.

I was quite tired when I came back to the hotel that night.

TCA in DC - Day 3

Yeah, so, I meant to make a vlog yesterday and the day before. But last night, I got back to the hotel to rest for a minute...and well, that minute turned into five hours. So, I woke up at 1 am to do some research on the web (on what to film today), and then went back to bed to wake up around 0630. I had my usual scrambled eggs and two pancakes this morning.

Today we are filming a character piece. More on that and the previous days coming soon. I promise!

11 September 2009

TCA in DC - Day 1

Thursday was an interesting day. I was quite tired yesterday and I slept in and extra hour today. I will post an entry tonight when I get back. I promise! Today it is supposed to rain, but at least we will be inside all day working on the computers.

10 September 2009

TCA in DC - Morning Day 1

I find it annoying that you can hear me breathe in... I'll switch mics next time...maybe.

Off into the city I go...or rather across the street.

Oh, and I was more like facing South East instead of South.

See the hotel here: http://www.bing.com/maps/default.aspx?v=2&FORM=LMLTCP&cp=38.960452~-77.084909&style=h&lvl=18&tilt=-90&dir=0&alt=-1000&phx=0&phy=0&phscl=1&sp=Point.qgt2108k8myn_Hotel____&encType=1

09 September 2009

TCA in DC - Arrival

How can they put a year of film school into four days? Should have I gone to a two week film camp instead?

Keep checking my page for updates and see how this goes!