27 March 2009

About My Blog and More About Me

This Web-blog is mostly for me. It is a place where I desire to share some of my inner thoughts and experiences. They will consist of random thoughts, rants, what I think about, and things that happen in my life. I created this for me. Not to entertain, not to please, and not because someone asked me to. This will help me with my writing skills. It may not be in proper English most of the time, but I desire to make my Blogs understandable at the least. Obviously I do have my own personal journal, or diary, apart from this. But this one, on this world wide web, I do desire to share. And if you know me, at least you can keep up with what is going on in my life. So, enjoy and maybe you can view my life vicariously though me.

So here’s a short bio of me: Dave

I was born in the Philippines and adopted into a United States Air Force Family. By blood I am Filipino; by family I am Native American of the Muskogee Tribe and Caucasian. I graduated #8 in my high school class (technically 18th b/c we had 9 valedictorians and 1 salutatorian … it was a weird high school). I graduated college with a Bachelor’s of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Tennessee Technological University. I am currently trying to figure out my next step. A job? Air Force? Graduate school? Famous fedora-sporting-archeologist? Tuxedo wearing secret agent man?

I can play the guitar, bass, and drums. I used to play the piano but not anymore. But I am trying to learn the violin/fiddle. The interesting thing is that I taught myself how to play all those instruments. I’ve written and recorded a few songs, but nothing worthy of a 1 hit wonder. I’ve worked with video since 1996 and I’ve enjoyed it ever since. I’m a MAC enthusiast first then PC. I have a first degree black belt in UFAF and a first decided black belt in ITA. I have some Kung Fu (Dr. Black's Tang Shou Tao) experience; just enough to compel me to continue training again someday.

…and that’s about all I can think about mentioning…

So start reading my posts and live vicariously! P.S. I (try to) write monthly letters to my friends and I post them here as well. There is a link to them all under the "Links of Interest" to the left. Enjoy!

24 March 2009

My First Post

My first post (here on blogspot/blogger). Well, it is about time I get back to blogging/vlogging.

Spring is in the air here in the lovely South! I brag about the weather to my New England acquaintances. They are jealous.

My blog will consist of whatever I want it to consist of. Probably random thoughts, what I am up to, and old memories of the days of old.

I will probably post some old posts from my old blog from Wordpress. I liked Wordpress and all, but I have to rent a server or keep my server on 24/7. Truthfully, blogspot is much easier, costs nothing, and it was easy to set up since I have a Google Mail account. I just cannot make multiple tabs for pages...or at least I have not figured out how.

By the way, if you desire to get my blog in your e-mail, simply register in the box on the upper left-hand (<----) corner (if I can get it working...at the moment it is not).

(Picture taken by me at Daytona Beach, FL)