So here’s a short bio of me: Dave
I was born in the Philippines and adopted into a United States Air Force Family. By blood I am Filipino; by family I am Native American of the Muskogee Tribe and Caucasian. I graduated #8 in my high school class (technically 18th b/c we had 9 valedictorians and 1 salutatorian … it was a weird high school). I graduated college with a Bachelor’s of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Tennessee Technological University. I am currently trying to figure out my next step. A job? Air Force? Graduate school? Famous fedora-sporting-archeologist? Tuxedo wearing secret agent man?
I can play the guitar, bass, and drums. I used to play the piano but not anymore. But I am trying to learn the violin/fiddle. The interesting thing is that I taught myself how to play all those instruments. I’ve written and recorded a few songs, but nothing worthy of a 1 hit wonder. I’ve worked with video since 1996 and I’ve enjoyed it ever since. I’m a MAC enthusiast first then PC. I have a first degree black belt in UFAF and a first decided black belt in ITA. I have some Kung Fu (Dr. Black's Tang Shou Tao) experience; just enough to compel me to continue training again someday.
…and that’s about all I can think about mentioning…
So start reading my posts and live vicariously! P.S. I (try to) write monthly letters to my friends and I post them here as well. There is a link to them all under the "Links of Interest" to the left. Enjoy!