30 January 2012

Day 4 and 5

Day 4
Saturday, Jan 28

We went to a nearby mall about an hour away (is that really nearby?) and went shopping. I took her to an outdoor mall and thankfully the weather was pleasant. She really wanted Chinese soup for lunch so I punched in Chinese food in my GPS and it took me to one nearby. The lady at the Chinese restaurant was born in Hong Kong but grew up somewhere else.

Dorothy likes a certain style of clothes. She doesn't like mature clothes; she prefers the style that young people wear. So, I took her to Rue21 and Gap. I took her to other places like Dillards and JC Penny, but she thinks those are too expensive. There are no Gap stores in mainland China, but one just (or soon to be) opened up in Hong Kong. At the Gap, Dorothy found some clothes that she really liked and they were on sale; 2.99 (plus Tax)! She bought 4 tops.

We stopped by Best Buy to buy mom a new camera. I found a decent inexpensive camera that came with a bundle (case, sdcard, and extra battery). It was a Saturday, so it was somewhat busy. I had to wait for about 10 minutes before they ran and got the camera for me.

We headed home and I can't remember what we did for the rest of the evening, I think I was quite tired from running around for most of the day. I don't even remember what we ate, but I know that I passed out after dinner. Oh yes, I was still so full from lunch that I didn't eat dinner. Mom cooked onion soup, ham, and fried squash. Dorothy really like the fried squash. Also, Dorothy learned how to use the washing machine.

Day 5
Sunday, Jan 29

I guess we're finally recovered from jet lag. I have somewhat normal sleeping hours. I usually get tired around 9pm and wake up at 5am.

This Sunday, I took Dorothy to a Dollar Store. Dorothy said that it looks similar to the store near her house in China. Then I washed my car at one of the public car washing places. Then we bought some groceries for lunch.

I cooked Native American Frybread for lunch. I taught Dorothy how to shape it for me and she made some silly shapes and faces. She also used some leftover dough to make Chinese New Year bread. Along with the frybread, we had pinto beans, roast chicken, and mashed potatoes.

Then we went over to Aunt Pam's and Uncle Jim's house. Some of my stuff was still in Uncle Jim's closet, so I went over there to clean it out. While I was cleaning it out, Dorothy looked at pictures with Aunt Pam.

Finally back at home about 9pm. I was tired and tried to stay away another hour but I fell asleep and woke up at 5am.

This week, we're off to TN to visit some family and friends and to show Dorothy my hometown!

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