29 June 2010

6 Month Catch-Up

I began writing this post in Jan. It sat in my drafts folder. I added to it near the end of February. It sat in my drafts folder. Rinse and repeat. So here it is to you, finally after gathering digital dust...if there is such a thing.

The day before my birthday I find out that I can move some stuff down to GA. So, Mom and I went to town looking for a Uhaul to rent. However, the address of the Uhaul renting center forgot one little detail: South. I cannot remember exactly which road they were on, so take for example that they were located on Houston street. There just happens to be a North Houston Street and a South Houston Street and they are about 8 miles apart. So, Google Maps pointed us north. After exploring the wonderful northern part of the town, I decided to call them. I forget that my phone can make calls (b/c I mostly text) so I called them up and in a southern voice asked where they were located; I like to blend in when I can. Indeed they were on the south street. It would be nice if they provided their correct address.

Nevertheless, I wanted to get a trailer to tow with the truck. But I have never driven a truck with a trailer so we got the smallest truck that they had: 10 foot mover. I have not driven a vehicle that big in a long time, but it was great getting behind the wheel of an eight cylinder engine. Vroom vroom.

For the next six hours I hurriedly packed stuff and took it out to the truck. Amazingly, I am proficient at moving things solo. Why, because I know physics and geometry. Not really. I just wing it. It also snowed that night.

On my birthday, I got to drive this massive truck with a graphic with Vermont's own Lochness Monster: Champ. Oh, and the license plate was from our old state of residence: Arizona. The drive was not that bad. Mom caught up with me as soon as I hit Atlanta. It was nice to know that she was behind me in case anything happened.

By the time we arrived, the room in which I now reside was not ready to be moved into. It needed another coat of paint, not fur. I helped put another coat on by cutting paint while Reuben rolled the walls. The next day we moved everything inside. As usual, I setup my room by applying Feng Shui principles.

From scratch, Aunt Pam made me a coconut cake for my birthday. It was good.

Ironically enough, we had some trouble returning the Uhaul in GA. This time they forgot to include the "Old" in their address; as in Hwy # as opposed to Old Hwy #. I suppose they do this to try to get renters to go over their mileage, or under their gas tank mark.

I switched cell phone providers because ATT does not provide service where I am in GA. The funny thing is that when we first bought cell phones, we went with Verizon's services. So, now I am back on Verizon. I port forwarded my number so my number is the same.


At the end of February, Mom bought her an iMac. She bought one of the newest ones (at the time) so it comes with a wireless keyboard and the new wireless Magic Mouse; the entire mouse is a button, it has no physical scroll wheel, and its entire surface is like a touchpad/trackpad on a laptop. I am amazed at how easy it was to set the iMac up. Pull it out of the box, plug it in, put batteries in the keyboard and mouse, sync the keyboard and mouse, run updates, and done. The only wire is the power cable. Practically ready out of the box. And no, I am not an Apple Fan Boy. I would only recommend an Apple to you depending on what programs you use and how you use your computer.

March 1st was a bright and beautiful sunny day outside and I wanted to start running again. While sprinting, my knee gave out and I took a tumble. I first injured it in 2006 during Taekwondo and had to have physical therapy. It healed well. But this 2nd injury was strange. I wrote a blog about it somewhere on here. I now have the treadmill to run on so hopefully the treadmill should have an even running surface.


The only major thing that happened in April is that I went to a concert with Kelli, one of my close friends that I met in college. Her favorite band, Relient K, was playing with my favorite band, Paramore. But she likes Paramore too. I did not really listen to Relient K before, but I checked them out so I could get familiar with their music and they have pretty good music. They fall in the genre of The Academy Is, Unwritten Law, and The Starting Line; at least in my opinion. I will probably write a more extensive post about it...sometime.

[Edit] I forgot to mention that my cousin, Steven, graduated from college! How on earth could I forget to mention that. It was probably the four hours of sitting there that made me forget. Just kidding. But after 5 long years of college, he made it through. Just like me.

I attended a birthday party of one of my high school teachers who is a dear friend of mine. It was her 1/2 Century birthday and she requested a lemon meringue pie. So, I made a lemon meringue pie from scratch from my Dad's old cookbook. And it is a very old cookbook. It is falling apart held together by duct tape and box tape. But at least there was not scrambled eggs in the pie filling this time.

Aunt Pam joined a co-op recently and every week we receive food. I do not know the details but hey, we get food inexpensively. We received a bunch of bags of limes. Uncle Jim made a key lime pie. It was a bit too tart. Then I made one similar to the lemon meringue recipe. Then Aunt Pam made one. They were all good, but I like my homemade crust the best.

June is a whole nother blog post.

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