01 November 2011


Finally potential converted into kinetic energy.  For after such a long time and broken machinery, time, not maintenance, has repaired his ticker.  But not the physical ticker as you might think.  For such a maiden has pulled his heartstrings and has brought life to him again.  I am so cheery to see him alive.  To see him put forth his energy for another after a hiatus of sequester. 

And as for I, her best friend is mine.  Also am I a cheery one.  Yet apprehensive if I am forced to deviate from my current formula.  Must remind oneself to reside in this point of time.  To not to worry about the time greater than the current.  Better for the electron to gain and lose, than never to have gained an electron at all.

Hesitant to your credentials.  Say what you hear with no regard to the veracity.  Perhaps my mind, my method, based on research of various sources, accustomed to my mindset.
Unexpectedly.  Come. 
I had a dream of you, my caretaker, frolicking with a beautiful dog. Happy as can be.
Domino effect of disappointment.  Hard work put off for something fun.  Rather satisfy the ones I do not know than to fail them.  More satisfaction to know that quality was given than to have fun with those I know.
Now, I know I could've saved you.  When I am able to travel back in time, I will save you.  But depending on the way time works, if I save you, I may never arrive to the knowledge that I now know.  Therefore, I won't be able to save you.  So, I will leave time as it is and cherish the time I had with you.
Priorities out of order. Rationalization ensues.  Selfish; but not you know shielded in your bubble.
Today, we find out who you really are.  You won't give credit when credit is due.  You won't even say thank you.  You aren't who we thought you were.  Instead we find the true you. Arrogant. Too staid to have some fun. Then you are vituperative, unwilling to be conciliatory. We don't mean to disparage you, you may think I am mendacious, but this is from our views.  Perhaps I embellish, but so does he. Nevertheless, we exonerate you.

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