21 November 2009

This May Be Who You Are...

"This may be who you are, but it is not who you will become." - Sha'ira

If I want to push a heavy box across the floor, it requires more force to get the box into motion than the force required to keep the box in motion. In other words, it requires less force to keep the box in motion than it does to get the box moving. It is simple physics: static friction is always greater than kinetic friction. It takes a lot more force to get something to move, but once you have it moving, it is much easier.

What am I trying to get at here. Well, I think this applies to more than just physics.

If I look back at my life (thus far), it seemed easy. I do not recall working hard in middle school, but I know I did; I don't remember stressing out over some report in high school, but I know I did. But I do remember breaking down in college and wanting to change majors. Engineering was tough, but I was 4 semesters away from graduation and I thought it would be a waste to change now...er then. I remember pulling all-nighters and finishing papers 5 minutes before they were due. Looking back on it, it just seemed easy. But I know it took a lot of work.

Still, what am I trying to get at.

I am still trying to figure out what to do with my life (and I will probably spend my entire life trying to figure it out). But I am trying to at least figure out what I would like to do for the next three to five years. I have been exploring my options on what to do and where to go. It is just like pushing that box across the floor. It is always tough starting out. But once I get to where I am going, it will be a little easier.

But I know that no matter where I go, I might be somewhere that I never intended to be, but might love where it is.

1 comment:

  1. Step one -> Go to college
    Step two -> Look for a job
    Step three -> .........
    Step four -> PROFIT!
