29 December 2010


[first entry]
I walk past the gate. I hear the sound of footsteps pitter patter behind me. I use my access card. I turn to see my attacker. Nope, just another resident of my building. I hold the door open for her. "Thank you" she says in Cantonese. We enter the elevator where she asks me something in Chinese. The only word I understood was "floor" or "story". I reply "qi lou". Should I have not understood anything, I would still assume she asked me "which floor". She got off the 2nd floor. Too lazy to go up a flight of steps.
[/first entry]

[second entry]
The elevator doors open and a little kid stands there gazing at me. He walks out of the elevator as I walk in. I ask him to come back in "guo lai" but he resisted; he began to cry. The doors shut. The doors open back up on the 2nd floor with a girl standing there with a surprised look. She says something to me but I don't understand. I simply say 'qi lou, qi lou' while making the hand gesture for seven. She runs up the stairs and everything was okay.
[/second entry]

[third entry]
I lean to the side to put my book of Chinese phrases in my cargo pocket. A million images flow past my mind that I've dreamt prior. "Deja vu" I utter. I see the yellow towel, flowered ironing board, white cold tile floor; I feel my hand grasping my book in my pocket. I see the alley way, the gate, and the building. I have dreamt this before I saw this. I knew you before I met you. I've already done this before. But this time, this time it will be different than the last.
[/third entry]

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