31 December 2010

December 31, 2010

Some what of a wasted day. Woke up late.  Worked on a few things that I need to be working on.  Went to eat at Pizza Hut with Reuben.  Shopped around Wal-Mart, Jusco, and near the fancy hotel looking for 围巾.  I found the one I liked on the street near the apartment.  A friend took me to a western restaurant that I have never been to before.  Met up with Reuben and his friend at our "Central Perk" (for you Friends fans, or "Monk's" for you Seinfeld fans. If you don't know what those are, then you are too young.)  Played a board game, talked to friends, played some music, and said Happy New Year to my dear friends here in China and back at home.

Goodbye 2010, hello 2011.  Another year in an odd numbered year. 哈哈

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