18 September 2008

September 2008 Letter

Another late letter...haha

On August 4th, I moved back home with Mom in Dunlap. I didn't realize how much stuff I had until I moved. I had 2 truck loads and 3 car loads of stuff to bring back. Thankfully, my cousin, Steven, helped me. I have some duplicate items now...such as 2 beds, 2 TVs, etc. But I can sell the duplicates or give them away.

After I moved back home, I spent the next 1.5 weeks working on video that I filmed at TN Tech's Student Orientation program. Plus, I filmed a friends wedding that have yet to finish.

I don't know if my Dad ever told you, but here at home I have 3 rooms to myself. Basically the entire upstairs is mine. It is a mess. It was a maze for a couple of weeks. I had trails to the TV, bed, and computer. After I finished that video project, I finally took some time to clean up a bit. I took down all my old posters from high school and am putting up 'bragging rights'...I mean... awards from college and what not. While cleaning, I see that I just have too much stuff. I have four computers (a MAC G5, custom built gaming PC, a Windows 98 Machine to play DOS video games, and a Macbook). I have a ton of DVDs, 6 guitars, 7 video cameras...etc etc etc... I could go on forever. But, I am going through it all and getting rid of stuff that I just don't need anymore. Actually, that is what Mom and I will be doing for the next few months. We will be going through everything, every box and either keep stuff or get rid of stuff.

Mom was having trouble with the dryer. Clothes were still wet after completing a drying cycle. This means that there may be restricted airflow for the exhaust. So, I removed the entire dryer exhaust duct and cleaned it out. There was indeed a collection of dryer lint, not to mention a few wasps nests at the exit port. And some of the lint was hard as a rock! Now the dryer works good as new.

Speaking of wasps, I saw this black mass hanging on the porch. I thought it was a bat hanging upside down, but it was about 20 wasps. I ran in the house and retrieved some wasp spray. I went outside and left the door cracked so I could make a clean escape to the inside. This wasp spray was the stuff that kills on contact (or so it says). I sprayed the cluster of wasps and ran inside to a window where I could see them. Soon enough, they started dropping to the floor. I counted the causalities and there was twenty wasps. I wonder what 20 wasps were doing all clustered up on one nest?!?!

Prior to moving back to Dunlap, I wasn't paying attention and I ran over one of those parking blocks. Well, I heard a crack and said "aw, man, what was that?". I opened my door and peered under my car and saw some plastic hanging down. Luckily, the only damage I did was breaking the splash guard. I carry duct tape in my car and I taped it together for a temporary fix. After I moved back home I looked for a replacement part. It took some time to find the part. It was only 12 dollars but I ordered it from a Nissan part dealer from North Carolina. I bought some ramps so i could get under the car and remove the old splash guard and put on the new pristine one.

To my surprise, one of my fraternity brothers sent me a message saying "congratulations on being on the front cover of the magazine!" I was confused by his message. A few weeks later, I received my fraternities national magazine in the mail. It is called "The Gear" and indeed I am on the cover along with some other 'brothers'. I have attached a scan of the front for your eyes to see. The photo was taken about a year ago infront of "the bean" in Chicago. We were there for Leadership Training Academy.

Well, that about all for now. Until next time...I'll write sooner!

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