26 November 2008

...and you are? (repost from old blog)

So, I live in a small town (although it has grown in the past 5 years) where in some odd way, everyone knows everyone. Or at least has heard of everyone. I made an impact in this small town. No, I didn’t crash here in some spaceship escaping the implosion of a planet. When I first moved here, in the sixth grade, there was a medieval times Contest. The participants would make things from the medieval times times. You know, catapults, trebuchets, swords, armor, maces and the like. Well, I won Grand Prize. I had an array of things that I made. I had a mace, made out of Styrofoam spheres with tooth picks as the spikes chained together to a wooden broom stick; a knight in shining armor, which was actually a catwoman figurine wrapped in tin foil armor; a trebuchet made out of legos; and a real sword from Spain. Mind you the sword was attached to a frame for display. It was actually my Mom’s sword. There was an inscription on the sword but I forgot what it says. So, at the time, I was a new resident in this small town already raising the bar for things to come… not to mention that my picture was in the local paper for winning the contest. One kid said that I won only because I had a REAL sword, haha.

There were many other accomplishments that made me well known in this town, but I’ll save those stories for another day.

Nevertheless, I live in a small town where everyone knows everyone. Well, in my case, a lot of people know me, but I don’t know a lot of people. So… I was at the wonderful and glorious wal-mart buying some pumpkin pie mix for the upcoming Thanksgiving 2008. Someone approached saying my name. I truthfully did not know who he was. He just wanted to say hi and see how I was doing. I don’t know why I didn’t even bother asking him where he knew me from. How rude of me. I should have said “I’m sorry, where do I know you from?” But alas, I didn’t feel like socializing so I didn’t even bother. Now it’s going to bug me where I know him from. He was an older fellow. I probably know him from one of the many churches that I’ve attended. Or from school. I’ll never know.

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