30 April 2009

Repeating Dream Themes

(Above Pic: Ret USAF Sr.MSGT Dad, Lt Col Mom, and son)

For the past few days I have had repeating dreams of a possible future career path. I am not saying that I am having prophetic dreams; I am trying to say that I have had dreams of what I would like to do in the future. Why did not I say that in the first place, I do not know. LOL.

Nevertheless, I had a dream that I was at some place with a bunch of people and pizza. The people were from the Air Force and I was with a bunch of recruits. My Mom was there and the person in charge (I assume a brigadier general) asked my Mom some question. I do not remember what the question was but the general gave me the rank of 1st Lieutenant. Normally upon completion of Officer Training School, you earn the rank of 2nd Lieutenant. So, I assume my dream took place at the end of OTS.

Then I had a dream that I was at the MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Station). All I remember was sitting there talking to a woman.

I still would love to wear that Uniform like my Mom and Dad before me and to serve this country.

In the fall I will be busy busy busy applying for the two possible career paths that I desire to undertake. I (1) desire to go to film school and (2) to serve in the United States Air Force. Which ever one grants me opportunity first, I will take. But what if I am accepted to a Film School and the AF. I will not know what to do until I am in that situation.

I have a book that I have been reading. It is called Film School Confidential: Take 2. It discusses several graduate film schools and comments on their programs. I plan to choose five schools and apply to three. So far a few that interest me are in Montana, Florida, and Massachusetts. In the future, I will discuss my choices.

Therefore, in the fall, there will be a lot of work to do. I have to take the GRE and do all the application requirements for the schools (i.e. Recommendation letters, personal statement, transcripts, portfolios, resumes, etc). For the AF, I will probably have to go to MEPS again for a medical prescreen and then another time for a medical wavier (more on that later).

In the mean time, I am editing a film, going through boxes in the basement, getting back in shape, and just living it one day at a time.

17 April 2009

Spring Cleaning

Photo caption: Dad and I, err mostly Dad, putting together my Knight Rider Kitt car.

Here lately I have been going through everything in the house. I have started with my stuff; My toys and stuff in my room. This includes hard drives; I am cleaning them up and organizing the data. I have found many old letters of the past. It seems like yesterday but it was so long ago. I have found letters from the high school years and I could probably write a drama from them. I have found letters from old crushes and letters from friends. It is amazing how time flies by. My senior and junior year prom dates are now married (not to each other) and have kids and a girl I dated is married with kids.

I never realized how much stuff I have until I start going through it all. For the most part, I am cataloging everything I put into a box. So far I have eleven boxes of old toys. I want to sell them but not until I am in my 50's.

It is strange to see pictures of my old high school classmates married and with kids. I still feel like we are still kids. I will always feel like a kid. Even when I am an old man, I will still be a kid. The truth is, we are all kids. No matter how old we are, how much responsibility we have, or what our job is, we will always be a kid. Or at least, that is how I feel about it. My Dad was a big kid. I enjoyed seeing him with his friends just laughing and having a good time. I hope he is with his mother, father, and brother, Jerome, having a ball.

06 April 2009

Dreams and Such

Every now of then I will have dreams of my Dad. I have had dreams of him for the past two nights.

The first one was me at graduation. My Dad did not get to see me graduate from college. At least in this level of consciousness...in this realm...in this physical world. Perhaps he did watch me in some other dimension, but I do not know. Nevertheless, he did not get to see me graduate in the world that I am living in. But in my dream, he was there in a wheelchair. Graduation took place at a football field and I think I was a graduate student about to get my Master's Degree. I remember wearing an academic hood. Perhaps in another life this took place, if you believe that sort of thing.

The second dream was Steven (my cousin) and I moving into an apt/rent-a-house for college. I remember Mom and Dad helping us move in. I remember the layout of the house so distinctly; I could draw the floor plans on paper if I wanted to.

A somewhat partial third dream I had was that Mom and I were overseas (perhaps in Argentina) and I remember calling home to Dad to say we made it there safely.

02 April 2009

...so that I can feel the rain...

Have you ever seen the rain in slow motion. Raindrops are almost perfect spheres and some are perfect spheres.

Every now and then, something will remind me of my Dad. I intend to do the best I can to remember it and write it down so that hopefully I will remember it for as long as my mind is capable of memory.

Today strong lightning storms swept across the state. I remember Dad and I used to sit and watch the lightning shows during thunderstorms; especially if the power went out. I remember in Arizona the lightning shows were beautiful. The lightning was full of color and lit the sky like day. Once I even saw ball lightning during a storm.

Title song reference: Gravedigger by Dave Matthews