30 April 2009

Repeating Dream Themes

(Above Pic: Ret USAF Sr.MSGT Dad, Lt Col Mom, and son)

For the past few days I have had repeating dreams of a possible future career path. I am not saying that I am having prophetic dreams; I am trying to say that I have had dreams of what I would like to do in the future. Why did not I say that in the first place, I do not know. LOL.

Nevertheless, I had a dream that I was at some place with a bunch of people and pizza. The people were from the Air Force and I was with a bunch of recruits. My Mom was there and the person in charge (I assume a brigadier general) asked my Mom some question. I do not remember what the question was but the general gave me the rank of 1st Lieutenant. Normally upon completion of Officer Training School, you earn the rank of 2nd Lieutenant. So, I assume my dream took place at the end of OTS.

Then I had a dream that I was at the MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Station). All I remember was sitting there talking to a woman.

I still would love to wear that Uniform like my Mom and Dad before me and to serve this country.

In the fall I will be busy busy busy applying for the two possible career paths that I desire to undertake. I (1) desire to go to film school and (2) to serve in the United States Air Force. Which ever one grants me opportunity first, I will take. But what if I am accepted to a Film School and the AF. I will not know what to do until I am in that situation.

I have a book that I have been reading. It is called Film School Confidential: Take 2. It discusses several graduate film schools and comments on their programs. I plan to choose five schools and apply to three. So far a few that interest me are in Montana, Florida, and Massachusetts. In the future, I will discuss my choices.

Therefore, in the fall, there will be a lot of work to do. I have to take the GRE and do all the application requirements for the schools (i.e. Recommendation letters, personal statement, transcripts, portfolios, resumes, etc). For the AF, I will probably have to go to MEPS again for a medical prescreen and then another time for a medical wavier (more on that later).

In the mean time, I am editing a film, going through boxes in the basement, getting back in shape, and just living it one day at a time.

1 comment:

  1. I'll pray that God will point in the direction that He wants you to go. After all, that's the best choice, right?
